Abu Farhat Photoblog

Dan Sudah 3 Tahun kami bergelar Ibu Bapa.

Posted in Abu Farhat Life by abufarhat on August 14, 2009

 Sanah Hilwa Fathi Farhat (image courtesy of Mus'ab Sayuti)

Tepat jam 2345 malam semalam, Fathi masuk usia yang baru, 3 tahun.

In 3 years time, i admit that both of us (baba and ummi) had learn much, yet still nothing compared to how much Fathi had give us joy.

May Allah always guides you throughout the years
and also guide baba & ummi to be a good parents for you to become a Mujahid, someday, insyaAllah.


3 Responses

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  1. pakcu said, on August 14, 2009 at 11:03

    salam..bg khabbab dapat msg beeb tak semalam?? “Tahniah buat bang khabbab yang telah menyandang gelaran Bapa selama tiga tahun.. semoga terus menjadi seorang bapa mithali..dan fathi terus membesar sebagai seorang mujahid yang sentiasa bersedia berdepan dengan sgala cabaran yang menanti insyaAllah..” sanah hilwah fathi!!

  2. abufarhat said, on August 15, 2009 at 11:03

    tak dapat beeb, but i know you will never forget…ehehhe…ameen for the Du’a..

  3. ainul anhar salim said, on December 2, 2009 at 11:03

    ummY la!

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